Manistee Student Organizations

Students Against Destructive Decisions

MHS SADD Advisors:
Chelsea Matley –
Bridget Warnke –

MMS SADD Advisor:
Cassie Miller –


SADD’s mission is to empower young people to successfully confront the risks and pressures that challenge them throughout their daily lives.


  • SADD is an inclusive organization, welcoming all youth who seek support for healthy and safe development.
  • SADD is a respectful organization that invites active youth participation and expects youth leadership. Youth voices will be sought out, respected, strengthened, shared, and affirmed. SADD will endorse this approach at all levels of the organization (local, state, and national) and will encourage others to also incorporate this approach.
  • We believe young people’s health and safety is improved through positive peer-to-peer interactions, healthy relationships with family and caring adults, and collaboration and alliance with other entities that also support youth.
  • We promote broad understanding of the risks facing youth and the importance of reinforcing protective factors. We do this through scientifically supported programs and practices and by sharing youth voices and youth perspectives on issues and laws and policies that involve the education, culture, health, safety, and treatment of youth.