Welcome to the official online store for Manistee Mariner gear, the MAPS Sideline Store. Here you will find everything to show your Mariner pride from apparel made by your favorite brands to water bottles, hats, and more. Orders from this site will be shipped directly to your home.
Additionally, we are stocking the Mariner Market at MMHS with some of the basics. Be sure to stop in next time you attend a sporting event at the middle/high school.

MAPS Adopts a New Mascot!
Following a community vote, the MAPS Board of Education approved a resolution at their February 8 meeting to adopt a new mascot, the Manistee Mariners, beginning with the class of 2024.
We are pleased with the outcome of the process of retiring the Chippewa mascot and want to thank our MAPS students, staff, and community for their participation and support in this process. We received almost 300 mascot name submissions, and more than 1,600 votes were cast. The Mariners name was selected with nearly 60% of the vote. Our new mascot will allow us to build a culture based upon positive representation for all students.
On May 11, 2023 the Board of Education voted to approve a brand identification package to support the newly selected mascot, Manistee Mariners. Work has begun to update items such as: signage, uniforms, website, merchandise, and additional items with the new logos. We were fortunate to be granted $142,585.00 from the Native American Heritage Fund, which supports schools and other entities in their work to improve curricula and resources related to Native American issues such as imagery revisions among other efforts. It is with their assistance that we are able to make some major changes to our brand assets year.
The full transition could take up to two years, depending upon our ability to budget for the changes necessary.
Honoring both the heritage and modern day of our community built around a deep-water shipping port, Mariners are a symbol of perseverance throughout centuries. Mariners invoke ideals of hard work, loyalty, unity, and respect. As the Manistee Mariners, together we navigate our course focused on a vibrant future.
Mariners Definition: Sailors that ensure that a vessel gets safely to its destination.