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MAPS Behavioral Health Services

MAPS Behavioral Health Services

MAPS continues to make every effort to provide the best learning environment for our students, but we also recognize that students have difficulty reporting their conflicts and understanding how to manage their stressors and traumas.

MAPS Behavioral Health Services, through generous grant funding, has created opportunities to work in conjunction with community agencies to provide resources for behavioral health outreach benefitting our students and families, while also supporting MAPS staff.

Let our MAPS Behavioral Health Services staff know how we can help you.

Mariners Lead the Way!


MAPS CAHC & Behavioral Health Services Hours

Clinic Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Medical: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Behavioral Health: Monday – Friday



About MAPS Behavioral Health Services

MAPS Behavioral Health Services is a community collaboration allowing the Human Services Collaborative Body, Manistee Intermediate School District, Centra Wellness Network, Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc., Michigan Health Endowment Fund, and MAPS to work together to create improved support and better student outcomes.

Working together, MAPS Behavioral Health Services partners have identified the need for improved crisis response education, coordinated community services for students and their families, and enhanced engagement with families and community members. The intent of this program is to expand and enhance current services provided within the MAPS school system to address these needs.


Project Goals / Objectives

The objective of MAPS Behavioral Health Services is to improve and increase prevention, early identification and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders by:

  • Increasing numbers of children and seniors receiving behavioral health services and, ultimately, integrating these services with needed dental and medical services;
  • Increasing screening of children for depression, anxiety, trauma and substance abuse;
  • Increasing screening, referrals and tracking for social determinants of health;
  • Conducting community screening events at schools or other community venues; and
  • Increasing human service workforce skills in trauma-informed care and community-wide awareness of trauma and resilience.


Manistee Community Need

MAPS Behavioral Health Services focuses on some of the most vulnerable residents of Manistee County – students and senior citizens. County Health Rankings Data shows rates higher than the national average in Manistee for:

  • Frequent mental distress
  • Adult obesity
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Teen births
  • Drug overdose deaths
  • Excessive drinking
  • Children in poverty
  • % uninsured
  • Violent crime
  • Severe housing problems
View MAPS Student Health Center Staff

Cheryl Wolfram, Community Health Worker, Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc, cwolfram@nmhsi.org

Derrick Martinez, LLMSW, Behavioral Health Specialist, Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc, dmartinez@nmhsi.org

Alicia Harmon, Clinical Services Manager, Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc,  aharmon@nmhsi.org


Request for Services

To schedule an appointment, call 231.887.4801

How to Make a Referral

Where to Submit Request

  • Chrome link on staff computers to referral page, list student name / grade / reason for referral, service requested (community resource vs. therapy)
  • Chrome link on student computers (aged 14 + for behavioral health service and 12+ for medical confidential service) for self-referral
  • Chrome links on website for parents to refer students

How to Submit Request

  • Family, staff or student (if aged 14 + for behavioral health service and 12+ for medical confidential service) complete and sign consent and health history form

What Happens Next

  • Our Services Coordinator will review referral, open case and assign staff member, and appointment will be scheduled
  • Student will receive pass to attend appointment**

**Effort will be made to avoid scheduling during students most challenging courses, and to alternate appointments for different class times.

Health & Privacy

MAPS has entered into a Business Associate Agreement with NMHSI and Centra Wellness and agreed to follow the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ensuring that all health information will be protected.

  • HIPAA is different from FERPA – all identifiable information relating to health matters is private and protected.
  • Staff must keep information confidential – including protecting written documents like the health history / consent form from unintentional disclosure, and protecting facts of students receiving healthcare (no discussing who is receiving therapy or for what reasons)
  • Failure to protect Health Information can result and fines and prison terms.

 Service Documents

Forms also available in Spanish.  Anyone needing Spanish language forms can call the CAHC at 231-887-4801.

MAPS Behavioral Health Services

Tiers of Service



Tier One

In Classroom Intervention


Tier Two

Group Work and/or SafeNet Referral

Tier Three

One-on-One Support/MAPS Behavioral Health Services Referral

Types of Service

Assessment for Mental Health Therapy (Individual/Family/Group)

  • Performed by Behavioral Health Therapists from MAPS and NMHSI. Billed to insurance.
  • Confidentially available on a limited basis (12 visits) for students aged 14 + in accordance with the state Mental Health Code. No bill is sent.

Screening and Consultation

  • Emergent review screening
  • Consultation with staff

Referral Coordination

  • Referrals to CentraWellness for enhanced services such as:
    • Psychiatric
    • Case Management
    • Home Based Services for students/families with serious and/or chronic mental illness
    • Referrals to community resources for family need by Community Health Worker:
      • Healthcare
      • Insurance Assistance
      • Housing
      • Food Resources, etc
    • Referrals to therapists working at MAPS sites through MAPS Behavioral Health Services Coordinator

Staff & Organizational Partner Roles

MAPS Behavioral Health Services provides:

  • Two full-time behavioral health therapists and full-time community health worker working in the MAPS schools and at the senior center.
  • A portion of time (.25 FTE) for a registered dental hygienist, family nurse practitioner and coordinator.
  • For Northwest Michigan Health Services to work with existing providers in the schools to integrate services in the best way possible.


  • The Principal of each school building is the gatekeeper for student’s admission to SafeNet services
  • Coordinator – Assists in behavioral health referrals within MAPS.
  • Limited Licensed Masters of Social Work – Team Social Worker  – Cecelia Lester Cecilia will provide therapy for identified students that are challenged with emotional disruptors that create barriers to their success. She will also help to connect families and staff in the efforts to provide the support needed for the students.

CentraWellness (CWN)

  • SafeNet Staff – Tracy Shimel (CWN) – Provides Prevention Services and liaison between home and school, partner with parents, teachers and students to promote positive life skills / parenting skills / social-emotional learning.

Northwest Michigan Health Services (NMHSI)


  • Community Health Worker – Cheryl Wolfram (NMHSI) – Assists students / families with scheduling and keeping appointments for mental health and health-related visits, connects families to community resources needed to address social determinants of health.
  • Coordinator – Lori Bell (NMHSI), assists in coordination of health services as well as Behavioral Health for NMHSI clients. Each Coordinator processes required paperwork to open a case and assign referrals to MAPS Behavioral Health Services as appropriate; they will see to the day-to-day smooth operation of programs.

Your CAHC & MAPS Behavioral Health Services Team

Cheryl Wolfram, Community Health Worker, Northwest Michigan Health Services

Cheryl has a wealth of experience in workforce development (with a focus on youth and career education).  She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University, where she earned her BA in English and History and also earned her teaching certificate.  She has been a resident of Manistee County since the 1980’s and is looking forward to serving as a resource for Manistee students and families.  Cheryl has a wealth of information about community resources, having been on the Human Services Collaborative Board for the past 15 years and serves on the school board for CASMAN Academy.

Tracy Shimel, SafeNet, Centra Wellness Network

Tracy has experience working with at risk students from K-12th grade, Florida, Ludington and Manistee.  Tracy earned a BA from Michigan State University, where she holds both an elementary teaching certificate and a Certified Prevention Specialist Certification.  She has prior experience as a case manager, making referrals to local resources within the community.  She has been a resident of Mason County, and spent some time teaching in the Tampa, FL area.  Tracy serves on the Board of Directors for Disability Network, and has continued building relationships with the students and families in the Manistee community.

Lori Bell, Northwest Michigan Health Services

Olivia nichols, SafeNet, Kennedy Elementary

MAPS Behavioral Health Services Partners


MDHHS logo

Manistee Area Public Schools

MAPS continues to make every effort to provide the best learning environment for our students, but we also recognize that students have difficulty reporting their conflicts and understanding how to manage their stressors and traumas. MAPS Behavioral Health Services, through generous grant funding, has created opportunities to work in conjunction with community agencies to provide resources to create behavioral health outreach for our students and families, while also supporting MAPS staff.

Centra Wellness Network

Centra Wellness Network is the publicly funded Community Mental Health Service Provider for Manistee and Benzie Counties. In collaboration with providers and community partners, Centra Wellness Network serves more than 1,200 individuals annually. CWN administers the SafeNet programming available in the MAPS district, although not funded by the MAPS Behavioral Health Services grants, plays a critical role in student support.

Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc. 

Northwest Michigan Health Services is dedicated to providing quality healthcare through a wide range of health services to the people in our communities, always serving with dignity and compassion. NMHSI welcomes anyone seeking health care, regardless of their income, occupation, age, ethnicity, or country of origin. Since 1968, NMHSI has provided culturally appropriate primary medical and dental care, serving seven counties in northwest lower Michigan.



Manistee Intermediated School District

Located in Manistee County, the Manistee Intermediate School District is a regional service agency which provides instructional and administrative services to four public school districts, two public academies and two non-public schools.  They serve the community by helping all learners reach their full potential. MISD partnered with MAPS to secure Michigan Department of Education funding for MAPS Behavioral Health Services programming.

Michigan Health Endowment Fund

The Michigan Health Endowment Fund works to improve the health and wellness of Michigan residents and reduce the cost of healthcare, with a special focus on children and seniors. The Michigan Health Endowment Fund Grant was awarded in October 2019 to Northwest Michigan Health Services, Inc. allowing the placement of a full-time behavioral health counselor in the MAPS district, along with a community health worker who will facilitate an integrated model to assure students also get connected to medical and oral health care.

Michigan Department of Education School Mental Health & Support Services Grant

MAPS Behavioral Health Services is funded in part by the Michigan department of Education 31n School Mental Health & Support Services grant. Awarded in August of 2019 through an effort with the Manistee Intermediate School District, this funding is to be used strategically to meet unmet local needs and fill gaps in mental health services within the MAPS district. This funding allows for a Master Level Clinical Social Worker to be hired to fill the behavioral health services role within the MAPS district.  Centra Wellness Network will hire, provide education, support, and supervision for the full-time Clinical Social Worker serving at sites identified by the school.


Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

MDHHS is a department of State of Michigan that provides public assistance, child and family welfare services, and oversees health policy and management.  Additionally, the MDHHS oversees Michigan’s child and adult protective services, foster care, adoptions, juvenile justice, domestic violence, and child support programs.