Jefferson Elementary School

Grades: Childcare - Grade 2 | Manistee Area Public Schools

Jefferson Resources

Jefferson Elementary Resource page is your home for everything needed to support your success as a Jefferson Mariner. Don’t see what you are looking for? Just reach out; we are happy to help!

Telephone Inquiry

Email Inquiry

Secretary:  Amy Miller   

Our MAPS Campus offers a continuum of leading edge learning where students advance seamlessly through an educational journey of their own design. At the leading edge of connected learning, MAPS provides the advantage of Power Learning, one-to-one technology program, to provide every student with the tools necessary to connect with their world and create their own pathway for success.


Seesaw at MAPS

Seesaw captures student learning in all forms, making it a powerful window into what’s happening in your student’s classroom. Go beyond the gradebook to see your student’s portfolio of projects and activities.

Seesaw is a service that we use K-6 at MAPS and is a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what's happening in the classroom. Seesaw gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology. Each student gets their own journal and will add things to it, like photos, videos, drawings, or notes. When there are new Seesaw posts, families can be notified via app notification, email or SMS. Parents are only notified about their own child’s work, and all data is safe and secure.

Contact your student's classroom teacher to get more information about how you can get connected via Seesaw.


Canvas at MAPS

The Canvas Learning Management Platform allows schools to build the digital learning environment that meets the unique challenges faced by their institution. Canvas simplifies teaching, elevates learning, and eliminates the headaches of supporting and growing traditional learning technologies.

Student Resources

Jefferson Elementary

Nutrition Services

Jefferson Elementary

MAPS Nutrition Program

The Manistee Area Public Schools provides quality nutrition services for all students of our district. Complete information and resources for our nutrition program are available by following the Learn More button. 

Parent Resources

Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Mission

Jefferson Elementary School will nurture students inspiring them to become creative, confident, cooperative problem-solvers and learners.

It is the policy of the Manistee Area Public Schools to provide an equal opportunity for all students to learn through the curriculum offered in this district.

In Manistee Area Public Schools we want all students to become:

  • Responsible citizens who are ethical, productive members of a global society; take responsibility for their own actions and physical well-being; are environmentally conscious; and contribute their time; energies, and talents for the improvement of their community and the quality of life for all.
  • Effective communicators who possess skills in written, visual, and spoken skills.
  • Self-confident individuals who demonstrate a positive self-image and are caring, sensitive and flexible human beings. Life long learners understand that learning is a process, not an event.

Non-profit global exchange organization Council for Educational Travel USA (CETUSA) is in its high season for interviewing host families who want to share their American pride with teenagers from other countries. Families who would like to open their homes to a cross-cultural experience can host an exchange student who wishes to live with an American host family and attend an American high school for an academic semester or year.

CETUSA students will arrive in August from forty- three countries including Albania. Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria. Canada, the Czech Republic, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam, and more. Students come with their own spending money, medical insurance, and an eagerness to learn what makes our country so great.

By hosting an international student, your family members can become lifelong cultural Iearners who demonstrate open minds and hearts. Join CETUSA in working toward global understanding and peace. Please call your local coordinators Cathy French at (231) 233-3268 for more information.

Host families provide room and board. some local transportation and guidance. Call today and your local Coordinator will telephone or meet with your family to answer any questions you may have. The only commitment you make by calling is the commitment to learn more about this opportunity!

Parent Involvement Plan

Parent Involvement Plan

Jefferson Elementary School continues to include parents as a part of their child’s education. We feel by having the parent involved in their child’s education will enhance the success of learning. The following are activities and events that we hold in order to ensure our student’s success as learners.

  • Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year.
  • Standards Based Report Cards are completed twice times a year.
  • Teachers have students make positive phone calls home.
  • Several Assessments tests are reported to the parents for Reading which include Star, District Assessment, Mentoring, Dibels, and MLPP.
  • Jefferson ATP meets monthly and supports a variety of activities for our families (bake sales, Family Fun Day, fieldtrips, popcorn sales, Play Day, etc.).
  • Jefferson Building Leadership Team has two parents who serve on this committee to discuss building goals and improvements. This committee meets monthly.
  • Parent Surveys are completed for assisting in the school improvement process.
  • Parents are invited to all school activities throughout the year. These events include; Musical Performances, Class plays, various field trips, Reading Month activities: Mystery Readers, Book Fair, Young Authors, 20-20 Reading Program, Holiday Gift Shop, Birthdays, and Classroom helpers. Additionally, many parents will come and have lunch with their child at school or take them out to lunch.
  • Parents have volunteered in our Jefferson Mentoring program as mentors and tutors in the classrooms.
  • Newsletters are distributed every week with reminders for important events as needed. We also produce a School yearbook that highlights the school year events.


Parents Right To Know

Manistee Area Public Schools is required to notify parents of each student attending a Title I school in the district. Jefferson Elementary is a Title I school that receives funds from the Title I, Part A program. Title I, Part A is a federal supplemental program designed to help children reach high academic standards. In receiving funds from this program, the district has a requirement to inform you, as parents of children attending a Title I school, of information available to you regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher(s). Information will be provided to you upon request and in a timely manner of the following:

  • Whether your child’s teacher has met Michigan qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
  • Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which Michigan qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
  • The baccalaureate degree major of your child’s teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
  • Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessional and, if so, their qualifications.

You may request additional information on the level of achievement of your child in each of Michigan’s assessments. Michigan uses the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) to determine levels of achievement. You will also receive timely notice if your child is, for whatever reason, assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified. A highly qualified teacher would be defined as a teacher that meets Michigan’s qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level or subject area in which the teacher is providing instruction.

Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy

Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy partners with MAPS and families to awaken the joy of learning in students and help them become self-motivated learners with greater academic success and confidence. Michigan-certified teachers provide guidance and work with students in live, online classes. An engaging, highly interactive curriculum challenges students with traditional core courses, art, music, world languages, career technical education electives, and more. A dual-enrollment program allows qualified high school students to earn college credits on select courses. Manistee Area Public Schools acts as the authorizer of the MGLVA charter.

Centra Wellness

With a satellite location in the Madison Community Learning Center, Centra Wellness Network provides wellness-oriented services and support for individuals with mental illness and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities, and for children with emotional disturbances. Their purpose is to help qualified individuals of all ages in their pursuit of happiness by removing any barriers towards recovery and full community inclusion in order to achieve good mental health and to fully participate in community life, utilizing all its resources in line with their individual needs, wants, and desires.


Located in Manistee County, the Manistee Intermediate School District is a regional service agency which provides instructional and administrative services to four public school districts, two public academies and two non-public schools.  We serve the community by helping all learners reach their full potential.

The ISD also works in consortium with many of the local service agencies to provide valuable opportunities for the children of Manistee County.

Family Spirit Logo

Family Spirit

Through Family Spirit and Gikinawaabi, our mission is to create a partnership with families that supports and educates before, during, and after pregnancy. To support the sacred role of women in the community as givers of life, and encourage the understanding and importance of family well-being and the health of mothers, fathers and children over their lifespan.

Call 231-655-9391 for more information.

Great Start Collaborative Logo

Great Start Collaborative

The Wexford-Missaukee-Manistee Great Start Collaborative is a partnership of community leaders, business owners, charitable and faith-based organizations, health and human service agencies, educators, and parents.  It is committed to establishing and maintaining a comprehensive early childhood system.

Mission Statement

Because our community values families, the Wexford Missaukee Manistee Area Great Start Collaborative strives to assure a coordinated system of resources and supports to assist every family in providing a great start for their children from birth through age eight.

Forms and Documents

Jefferson Elementary

Get In Touch

Location: 515 Bryant Ave., Manistee, MI 49660

Principal: Andy Huber

Telephone: (231) 723-9285
