Jefferson Elementary School

Grades: Childcare - Grade 2 | Manistee Area Public Schools

Welcome to Jefferson – Kindergarten – Grade 2

Also home to Childcare, Pre-K & GSRP

Nurturing young learners with guiding principles, we are dedicated to making the classroom experience fun and rewarding. Our practical tools and techniques help your students begin their learning experience on the right foot. Great beginnings create future leaders.

Mariners Lead the Way!

Please Note!

Jefferson Elementary School will be home to MAPS Childcare, Preschool, GSRP, and Kindergarten to Grade 2 for the 2024/25 school year while the consolidated elementary school building is under construction.

School supplies banner
School Nutrition Services Information

We are pleased to inform you that we will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) as part of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.

The GREAT NEWS is that ALL students enrolled at Manistee Area Public Schools can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE to your household each day.

As we start this program for the 24/25 school year, we ask that each household complete a Household Information Report found online at: Click "Apply for benefits" to get started. This report only takes five minutes to fill out and must be completed by each household in our District. Paper copies are available upon request. We also ask that you pay any lunch balance due from the prior school year. The CEP Program cannot be in place with overdue balances remaining.

In addition, the Household Information Report is critical in determining the amount of money that our school receives from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like Title I A, At-risk (31a), Title II A, E-Rate, etc. These supplemental programs have the potential to offer supports and services for our students including, but not limited to:

  • Instructional support (staff, supplies & materials, etc.)
  • Non-instructional services (counseling, social work, health services, etc.)
  • Professional Learning for staff
  • Parent and Community engagement supplies and activities
  • Technology

We are asking that you please complete and submit the Household Information Report as soon as possible to ensure that additional funding for our school is available to meet the needs of our students. All information on the report submitted is confidential. Without your assistance in completing and returning the report, our school cannot maximize the use of available State and Federal funds. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact us.


Keri Carlson, Nutrition Services Director


Enroll little learners for fall banner

Time to Register for Pre-School & Kindergarten!

The time has come to start planning for your little learners entry into Pre-School or Kindergarten!
Join us for Kindergarten Round Up Thursday, April 17 5:30 – 7:30 at Jefferson Elementary 515 Bryant Ave.
You can register to receive your information packet. Just follow the link below.


Jefferson Announcements


We are excited for the Jefferson Halloween Celebration on Thursday Oct 31st. Costume parade will be along Bryant Ave from 2:00- 2:15pm starting with the 2nd grade class and ending with the Kindergarten students. Parents and visitors are invited to line the Bryant St...

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Jefferson Open House

Jefferson Open House for 1st and 2nd graders- Tuesday Aug 27th from 5-7pm. Kennedy Open House for 3rd-5th graders- Wednesday Aug 28th from 5-7pm. Welcome back, Mariner Crew!

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12-11-23 Prairie Farms Vendor Update

12-11-23 Vendor Update Prairie Farms, our local supplier for milk, has informed us that they have a growing issue with carton shortages. To maintain our ability to serve milk, beginning the week of December 11 and into the New Year, students and the individuals we...

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Your Jefferson Team

Location: 515 Bryant Avenue Manistee, MI 49660 | Map
Telephone: 231-723-9285
Fax: 231-398-2021
School Office Hours: M-Th: 7:30am – 4pm, Friday 7:30am – 3pm

Administrative Team

Principal: Andy Huber    

Administrative Assistant: Amy


View Jefferson Staff
Administrative Staff

Andy Huber Principal

Amy Miller, Administrative Assistant

Kasandra Johnson, Administrative Assistant

Instructional Staff

Elizabeth Adams, Kindergarten

McAnn Bradford, Second Grade

Chasity Gouker, Special Education

Amanda Feyen, Elementary Music

Cindy Lundberg, Kindergarten

Cindy Matthes, Second Grade

Cassie Miller, Elementary PE/Health

Sarah Padgett, Second Grade

Michael Rosteck, Elementary Art

Josh Smith First Grade 

Christine Slawinski, Kindergarten

Anna Marie Thompson, First Grade

Bryan Tomaszewski, Second Grade

Allison Veine, Kindergarten

Michelle Wilson, First Grade

Sam Zeller, Elementary Coding

Non-Instructional Staff

Krista Bennett, Math Coach

Deb Erdman, Academic Specialist

Deb Forward, Academic Specialist

Chasity Gouker, Title I Reading/Literacy Coach


Vanessa Bergeman

Mirage Deling

Macie Goodspeed

Tamara Jackoviak

Michelle Johnson

Stephanie Johnson

Katy Lacki

Kristie Schlafley

Misty Weber

Izabela Zdunek 

Custodial Staff

Michael VanDyke

Bill Cole

Nutrition Services

Bonnie Kruse


8:00 – School Begins
9:00 – School Begins on Late Start Mondays
3:10 – School Ends
11:40 – School Ends Half Days
Kindergarten Round Up Flyer
ATP Mariner Logo Horizontal
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are held 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
When held at Jefferson, meetings are located in Mrs. Bradford’s classroom
When held at Kennedy Elementary, meetings will be located in Mrs. Antal's classroom

September 12th 

October 17th

November 21st - Kennedy

December 19th - Jefferson

January 16th - Kennedy

February 20th - Jefferson

March 20th - Kennedy

April 17th - Jefferson

May 15th - Kennedy

Current Officers

President: Ariel Ferreira

Vice President: Katrina Jankowski

Treasurer: Kris Brandt

Secretary: Kelly Vartyak

ATP Contact Information

ATP Contact: and we can be found on Facebook as MAPS Elementary ATP

Building Contact: Andy Huber


MAPS Elementary ATP (Assembly for Teachers & Parents)

What is ATP?: ATP is our parent-teacher group for all of the MAPS Elementary buildings – Jefferson and Kennedy, grades Pre-K through 5.

Parents who become involved in their child’s education can make a positive difference.

What does ATP do?

We fundraise to help support our schools and students. We pay for field trips, school supplies, recess/playground equipment, books, staff appreciation activities, and more! We also organize many family events: Fall Carnival, Daddy-Daughter and Mother-Son nights, Holiday Caroling, Birthday Lunches, Book Fairs, and Santa Shop are some examples.

What are the objectives of the ATP?

The MAPS Elementary ATP (Assembly of Teachers & Parents), is a dedicated group parents that spearhead projects to benefit our students grades Pre-K through 5th. It is similar to a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) only a little more prescriptive and based on committees, including:

  • Parenting
  • Communicating
  • Volunteering
  • Learning at Home
  • Decision Making
  • Community Collaboration
ATP Points Tracker

Starting January 2019, ATP is starting a point tracker for volunteers!

How do I earn points?

  • Every ATP event (popcorn day, slushy day, winter carnival, etc.) every 2 hours you volunteer, you earn 1 point.
  • For showing up to our ATP meeting that’s once a month, you earn 1 point.
  • For suggesting a friend to volunteer & they show up for at least 2 hours, you earn 1 point.

All the points you earn will be entered for a drawing. At the end of the year, we will choose two winners. We hope to have a ton of volunteers!

Your Journey Continues at Jefferson Elementary

Jefferson Elementary School starts our littlest learners on their educational journey with Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade.  Students in 3rd-5th grade attend Kennedy Elementary, and 6th-12th attend Manistee Middle/High School.
We look forward to working with you and your child to provide the best education possible. By working together, your child will have a happy and successful school year. If you have any questions please contact (231)723-9285 ext.3372, or by e-mail at

We offer the following programs throughout the year:

  • Safe & supportive digital learning access
  • One-to-one technology – iPads
  • Daily art activities
  • Community recreation opportunities
  • Family night activities
  • Peer mentoring
  • Grade level focused field trips
  • Girl & Boy Scouts
  • Flexible before and after school care and daycare options
Mariners are On Track gold logo

As Manistee Mariners, we are all leaders in our own way. Mariners lead at school, with friends, and in the community by developing healthy relationships, using responsible decision-making and respectful communication.

Mariners are:

T | TRUSTWORTHY — Always tell the truth

R | RESPECTFUL — Listen and are polite

A | ACCEPTING — Friends to all

C | COOPERATIVE — Work as a team

K | KIND — Thoughtful and caring

“TRACK” is the Manistee Area Public Schools global, district-wide, leaders platform that all educators, staff and students follow throughout their educational journey.  This initiative is connected to course curriculum,  extra curricular programs,  disciplinary procedures, and internal culture.