Welcome to Manistee Area Public Schools
At Manistee Area Public Schools we want the very best for all of our students. From pre-school to twelfth grade we provide learning environments that support each student on their educational Journey. Our devoted teachers, administrators and support staff take a very personal approach to educating students at every level.
Manistee Area Public Schools is open for enrollment for the 2024-25 school year for all grade levels Pre-Kindergarten to Twelfth Grade. To enroll at MAPS, pick from one of the following:
- Stop by or call 231-723-2547 Manistee Middle High School to discuss enrollment options.
- Contact Us via e-mail
- Or, fill out the application and mail it to
Attn: Ronald Stoneman, Superintendent
525 Twelfth St.
Manistee, MI 49660

Student Documentation
Documentation is required for each student enrolled with Manistee Area Public Schools. Here you will find links for each of the documents required.

Central Office
Superintendent: Ronald Stoneman
Location: 525 12th St, Manistee, MI 49660 | Map
Telephone: (231) 723-3521
Central Office Hours: M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Central Office Staff
Ronald Stoneman
Superintendent - rstoneman@manistee.org
Howard Vaas
Business Manager - hvaas@manistee.org
Amber Kowatch
Curriculum Director - akowatch@manistee.org
Sue Gustad
Assistant Business Manager - sgustad@manistee.org
Sara Schubert
Payroll/Human Resources/Insurance/Lunch - sschubert@manistee.org
Carrie Cameron
Accounts Payable Specialist - ccameron@manistee.org
Lauren Bergeman
Administrative and Communication Liaison - lbergeman@manistee.org