Our district does a great deal to support our students’ education, but our needs always outpace our funding and we are hoping we get your support. Please consider participating in this fundraiser so we can provide your students with the education they deserve. If you...


NOTICE OF PESTICIDE TREATMENT This notice is being provided as required by Michigan law, specifically The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of 1994, Part 83, Section 8316. Be advised that a pesticide is expected to be applied at this facility...


This notice is being provided as required by Michigan law, specifically The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of 1994, Part 83, Section 8316. Be advised that a pesticide is expected to be applied at this facility as follows: DATE OF...

Transportation 2024-24

For 2024/25 we will be making some adjustments to our transportation services to better serve the needs of our students and families. Here are the key points: New Routes and Timings: We will be revising our bus routes and schedules to optimize efficiency and minimize...

Notice of Pesticide

NOTICE OF PESTICIDE TREATMENT This notice is being provided as required by Michigan law, specifically The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of 1994, Part 83, Section 8316. Be advised that a pesticide is expected to be applied at this facility...

Acting Principal

Amber Kowatch will be taking over as acting principal while Principal Wiersma is on leave. Ms.Kowatch is currently the curriculum director for Manistee Area Public Schools. Before becoming curriculum director, she was a teacher in the Lundington school district and...