HAPPY FEBRUARY Jefferson Families.

Jefferson is starting February with a celebration of “Caring” and “Kind.” Right now, students are creating Valentine messages for Meals on Wheels, Green Acres, and the Wagoner Center as a way to grow kindness in our community. Classrooms will be celebrating...

Little Chip with Big Heart Spreads Kindness!

When Jefferson Elementary’s Second Grader, Kaylin Crummey, receives cans and bottles from generous donors who are aware of her mission of “Spreading Kindness,” she immediately heads to the return center and then turns around and uses the funds for...

Jefferson Holiday Programs

The Jefferson Elementary holiday programs were held virtually this year. Please click the links below to view. Kindergarten Holiday Program 2021 1st Grade Holiday Program 2021 2nd Grade Holiday Program 2021

December at Jefferson

Hello Jefferson Families, We are enjoying the winter season at Jefferson, including going outdoors every day. Kids are excited to be celebrating the holidays, and Jefferson is getting ready with some seasonal events too: 1) Students will be going to MMHS to record a...

Lead Safe Educational Outreach

During the most recent round of drinking water testing, the City of Manistee exceeded the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Action Level for lead. The “Action Level” is not a health-based standard, but it is a level...


As you may know, children ages 5 to 11 have been approved to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. MAPS is planning a clinic for our families that are interested in having their children vaccinated at this time. We need your help taking the survey. Please click on the...