by MAPS Staff | Oct 17, 2023
To request an NHS tutor, please fill out this form: by MAPS Staff | Oct 16, 2023
This morning EMT staff responded to a student in distress at MMHS. The issue was quickly resolved and the student is safe. MAPS continues to appreciate the timely actions and support of our first responders in Manistee. by MAPS Staff | Oct 12, 2023
Picture retakes will be on Tuesday, October 17th. If your student is in need of retakes, have them bring their original pictures to the photographer. If your student missed the original day, they may just show up. by MAPS Staff | Oct 10, 2023
The Paine Aquatic Center is looking to hire new lifeguards. There will be training on October 29; please call Sarah Schubert at the board office if you’re interested. by MAPS Staff | Sep 25, 2023
Just a reminder that applications for membership are due Friday, 9/29 by 12:00 noon. Please email them to Ms. Clemons