Law Enforcement response

Thank you to local law enforcement for responding in a timely manner today for a student in medical distress on 3/3/2025 at MMHS. —

Walking Track Opening

Walking Track Info – 24/25 The walking track at the MMHS gymnasium will be available for use to the community starting Monday, December 9th through April 30th. The hours are 8am to 11am during school days only. Note that if school is canceled, the walking track...

SHREK Auditions!

Auditions for our spring musical, SHREK will be right after Thanksgiving break, next week Monday, December 2nd, and Tuesday, December 3rd from 3-6pm in the auditorium. You only need to come to one day. No need to prepare anything, just come and bring your friends!...

Urgent Alert-Kennedy Elementary to MMHS

Urgent Alert 11/11/24 1:00pm Due to loss of power at Kennedy Elementary, they will be joining MMHS for the rest of the day. They are being bussed over shortly. Phones and internet are also unavailable at Kennedy. Dismissal for Kennedy Elementary will be at 2:50 at...