Manistee Area Public Schools
The Manistee High School Sprig athletic programs consist of 6 varsity and 2 junior varsity sports. To access information, announcements, news, and schedules, visit their individual pages by selecting the sport you want to learn more about below.

The news feed below are news feeds for all of our spring sports programs. For more information about each individual sport, select a sport above to learn more.
Spring Sports Information
Spring sports have started. It still isn't too late for your child to join. Baseball - Softball - Girls Tennis Girls Soccer - Track Boys Golf - Middle school track starts on April...
Regional Tournament
Manistee Girls Tennis travels to Traverse City this Thursday for Regional competition. Flights #1 and #2 Singles and Doubles will compete at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Middle School located at 1601 N. Three Mile Road, beginning at 9:00 AM. Flights #3 and #4 Singles and...
Lakes 8 Tennis Conference
Manistee travels to Ludington on Friday, May 13 to compete in the Lakes 8 Conference matchup. Players need to arrive by 8:00 AM for warm up. 1 and 2 Singles and 1 through 4 Doubles will compete at the Tinkham courts beginning at 9:00 AM. 3 and 4 Singles will begin...
Match Make Up
The Tennis match that was scheduled today against Muskegon Catholic Central will be played tomorrow, May 4th at 3:30 PM at the Beach Courts. Manistee girls should be at the courts by 2:00 PM for warm up.
Tennis Today – Cancelled
Our Tennis Match against Muskegon Catholic Central scheduled for today has been cancelled due to rain. A makeup date will be announced soon. NO practice today. Practice Wednesday 3- 5 Match against Western Michigan Christian Thursday, May 5 at 4:00 PM - HOME
Activities Office - Located at Middle + High School
Location: 525 12th St, Manistee, MI 49660 | Map
Telephone: (231) 723-2547
Fax: (231) 398-9277
Mr. Kenn Kott, Athletic Director

Manistee High School Athletics proudly partners with various local and regional media outlets. Frequently our athletic games are broadcasted on Eagle 101.5. For recaps of our games across all of our sports, visit:, the area's local news source for analysis and interviews.

Manistee 350 Club Athletic Boosters is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to preserve, enhance and expand the total interscholastic athletic programs of Manistee High & Middle Schools.

Manistee High School Athletics strictly adheres to the principals and directives of the Michigan High School Athletic Association, and is a proud league partner with the Lakes 8 Activities Conference.