MMHS Students,

Congrats on making it through the school year! Next week you will need to
turn in your laptop for the summer so here is some info on that.

*Turn in:*
Make sure you have all the parts when you turn them in (more info on that

– Laptop or iPad
– Charger (Mac

– Duck head

– AC cord
– Spec/MAX Case – the clear/grey cover that snaps onto your laptop
– Laptop bag

Please clean out any extra stuff from the laptop bag. Excessively dirty
computers or bags will be assessed a cleaning fee of $25.

If for some reason you get out of school a bit early, please turn in your
laptop to the tech office after your last class. Otherwise you will
*turn in your laptop into your last hour teacher on the 9th.*

*Next Year: *
We will be issuing new 13″ M1 Macbooks next year so make sure you save
anything you want off your existing computer.

*Summer School:*
If there is a legit school-related reason where you need to keep your
laptop longer, you must email me and let me know. Include the reason and
the teacher/staff member that is associated with the class/activity so I
can confirm the situation. If you turn in your laptop late without emailing
me ahead of time there is a $5/day late fee assessed.

If you are going to be in Summer School, please turn in your computer just
like normal (leave it with your last hout teacher) and we will issue you a
computer to use in Summer School when the time comes.

*Summer Apple Sale:*
We will be selling the 11″ and 13″ Macbooks this summer on June 20th
(tentative). We will NOT be selling any iPads this summer. The price of the
11″ Macbooks will be $358.49 + sales tax (so $380 total) and the 13″ will
be $396.23 + sales tax (so $420 total). More details about this will be
sent out to all MMHS students and families soon.

If you have any questions, please contact the tech department.