Everyone at Jefferson is missing our traditional end-of-year activities, but we know keeping everyone safe is our most important job!

June 2nd-June 4th, we have an opportunity for families to pick up any items left at school and for kids to see their teacher before summer officially starts.

Teachers will be at Jefferson for limited hours for item pick up.  We will also have the Summer Reading Book table open so kids can pick some great books for the summer.

  • Tues, June 2: ( Brown & Bradford- 9-11am) (Tomaszewski & DeJong- Noon-3pm)  

  • Weds, June 3:  1st (Erdman and Wilson- 9-11am am), (Forward and Johnson- Noon-3pm)

  • Thurs, June 4:  KG (Lundberg & Veine- 9-11am, Slawinski and Adams- Noon-3pm)

  • Thurs, June 4: 3pm-6pm evening hours for any/all grades

  • Friday, June 5:  Any/all grades 9am-1pm

NOTE:  This will take place outdoors in the parking lot and staff will practice full social-distancing measures to ensure our kids (and families) are safe.  The playground will be closed during pick up times.

Other dates to mention: iPad drop off at MMHS- June 8th-12th 9:00-11:00am & 3:00-6:00 pm