During the most recent round of drinking water testing, the City of Manistee exceeded the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Action Level for lead. The “Action Level” is not a health-based standard, but it is a level that triggers additional procedures, including sending an educational outreach flyer to water users. The education outreach flyer attached to the bottom of this message will also be mailed to water users on November 29th, 2021, and can also be accessed on the City’s website: www.manisteemi.gov/lead.
Lead can enter drinking water when it is in contact with pipes, solder, home/building interior plumbing, fittings and fixtures that contain lead. It can also enter drinking water from galvanized pipes that have previously been in contact with lead. Since 1994, the City of Manistee has regularly tested for lead and copper. In 2019, the City began actively searching for lead service lines in the system. Currently there aren’t any known lead service lines in the City and lead “gooseneck” connections are replaced when they are found. The City was recently awarded a Drinking Water Asset Management (DWAM) grant from EGLE which will help identify areas in need of upgrades. In addition, the City of Manistee uses corrosion control treatment to reduce lead leaching.
If you would like your service line inspected for lead, please contact the Manistee Department of Public Works (DPW) at (231)723-7132. Sampling bottles for water testing are available at DPW, 280 Washington St. Manistee, MI 49660. Water testing is performed by a third party for a cost of approximately $28. Water filters are also available at DPW at no charge to those that qualify.