May 18, 2022

Dear Senior Class of 2022 and Families;

Due cooler temperatures and a high probability of rain, we are announcing
that our Class of 2022 commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 21 will be
held indoors at Manistee Middle High School in the Chippewa Gymnasium. This
will allow us to ensure the best accommodations for our celebration.

The building will be open at 6:00 pm and the commencement ceremony will
begin at 7:00 pm.

 Tickets will not be required for entry into the gym
 Students will not be limited to a number of guests, all are welcome
 Seating will not be designated

Because this is an indoor event, and there has been a recent uptick in
COVID-19 cases, we ask that everyone be thoughtful about following best
practices for preventing illness:

 Wash your hands well and often
 Try not to touch your face
 Maintain space between yourself and those not in your party
 If you are symptomatic, please consider staying home
 Although masks are not required, consider wearing a mask if you are at
high-risk or have recently been exposed to anyone that has tested positive

This is an exciting time for our senior class. We look forward to
celebrating with you in honor of this milestone accomplishment.