Jefferson is starting February with a celebration of “Caring” and “Kind.”
Right now, students are creating Valentine messages for Meals on Wheels,
Green Acres, and the Wagoner Center as a way to grow kindness in our

Classrooms will be celebrating “kindness” on Valentine’s Day on Monday, Feb
14th; check take-home folders for details about activities for the day.

*Should teachers need help with items for classroom celebrations. (ex:
plates, cups, drinks, prepackaged/individual treats) you will be contacted
via SeeSaw or with a note home.

*Because students will be eating during classroom celebrations (with masks
off), we cannot invite parents/visitors to join us in the classrooms.

Jefferson events coming up:

FEB 9TH-11TH- Progress Reports sent home

*TUES, FEB 15TH- 100’s Day! (*100th day of school)

WEDS, FEB 16TH- ATP meeting 5pm

FRI, FEB 18TH- Half Day (11:20am dismissal)

MON, FEB 21ST- Book Exchange

MARCH- Reading Month Starts!