MHS YIGsters and Parents!

YIG is ready for Fall Conferences and to be BACK to LANSING!! I am excited
to be able to meet in person and for the many new things YIG has to offer.
Here are a few highlights:
* Fall Conference Oct 23rd *in Traverse City!
Leaders Zoom Meetings and trainings.
DELEGATION Scholarships- Meet with Michigan Legislature!
COVID Protocols
Packets of information and forms will be available from Mrs. Andrews-Ramsey
the first week of school. Please stop into her room (123B- New room!!) to
pick up paperwork to be returned.

MHS YIG will also be doing a Little Caesars Pizza Kits Fundraiser again!
Pick up a packet too!

I am very excited to get back to YIG and hear all your ideas for Bills.
NOTE: Lansing Conference Feb. 17-20

*Stacey Andrews-Ramsey*