MMS & MHS Yigsters and Parents:
I have been holding off a bit on play for YIG 2021-2022 to see what the Y
has planned. Just last week the Y announced what next year will look
like. We are still missing a few details but I can tell you the plan is to
have conference in LANSING!!

*MS- New- * A fall conference!!
Fall and Winter- online trainings and Events
Spring Conference?( MS Conference is usually before Thanksgiving-)
*HS- NEW*- Fall conference format- a longer day!
Fall and Winter online Events and Leaderships training programs for
student leaders.
More Leaders trainings.
ONLY 1 CONFERENCE in Lansing in the Spring

Costs have not changed- * Total MS. $225 * *Total HS $405*
I am scheduling Pizza Hut fundraiser night and Little Caesars Pizza Kits
again this year.

We will have a meeting the first week of school (the 2nd day!). I will have
fundraiser information ready the first day of school next year.

Watch for more information in August of 2020!! I look forward to seeing
you all in YIG. Invite your friends to join!!

See you all in the fall. Have a Super Summer!!!