We will be implementing synchronous learning for ALL MMHS students for next week. This means students will be expected to engage with their teachers in a virtual setting through Google Meet on a scheduled basis – *students will access the link to your meetings by logging into their Canvas course pages*. Attendance will be taken for each period and logged into PowerSchool for record.

Below is the schedule we will be following; please read through it to make sure we’re all meeting at the same time.To be clear, this schedule is for ALL students, including those who have been and/or online status. Obviously HS students will be using this schedule through December 8; we will communicate the status of MS students along the way. For the
remainder of the 2020-21 school year, this schedule will be implemented for whatever grades are in an all-virtual stage. This means that students will be expected to log into their scheduled Canvas pages for their courses by period; in cases where a Google Meet has been scheduled as part of the day students are expected to participate.

Our teachers have been working hard to take this next step to support you as students, and we know this will be a great experience! On the other hand, this is also our first time in a structured virtual learning environment – students, please let your teachers know how things are going!

Finally, please consider that this is a chance for all our students to step forward and be positive leaders – be a good classmate and help this work!

Have a great Thanksgiving break and please practice safe protocols – we’re extremely proud of what a great job our staff and students have done this year with keeping each other healthy!

MMHS All Students Distance Learning Schedule