Made possible through the efforts of outdoor enthusiast, Technology Director Ken Blakey-Shell, an application was submitted to the Minger Family Endowment Fund, which resulted in MAPS being awarded funding to purchase new ski equipment and a trailer for storing, securing, and transporting the equipment.

MMHS Teacher Matt Phillips put the new skis to great use, and our Sixth Graders participated in the traditional “Winter White Out” on February 13th for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing at the “BIG M” Recreation Area, and on February 14th, enjoyed sledding and broomball, and a DNR presentation “back at the ranch” at MMHS.

Thanks, Ken, for the work you did on the grant, and, Matt, for another successful Winter White Out!!

(The Minger Family Endowment Fund was established through the generosity of Forest R. Minger, Jr., who gifted the Manistee County Community Foundation with over $15 million through his estate to further access to recreation/recreational opportunities in Manistee County.)