In an effort to keep the Manistee community informed of their facilities planning process, Manistee Area Public Schools has designed a new website, launched a community survey, and is planning a follow-up Community Facilities Forum for April 25th at 7:00pm at Jefferson Elementary.

The MAPS 2020 website, was designed to share information about the visioning process and a plan for MAPS educational and facilities future. Here community members will find information regarding the visioning processes, compiled feedback, answers to frequently asked questions, a history timeline, a link to a community facilities survey, and infographics to help the community better understand the facilities planning process. The link to the survey is: for anyone interested to share their thoughts and ideas.

We will be continually updating this website with information that we feel will be useful in answering questions for both our internal and external stakeholders as we work to finalize a plan that will inform facilities decision making over the next 20 years.shared Superintendent, Ron Stoneman.

The next MAPS Facilities Forum will be held on Thursday, April 25th at 7:00 pm at Jefferson Elementary. At this Forum, the principals from both Christman Company & Tower Pinkster, contractors that provided the facilities assessments, will be in Manistee prepared to share a glimpse of the proposed first phase of a plan for MAPS facilities future. All members of the community are invited to attend, learn about a potential direction for the MAPS district, and provide feedback regarding the proposal.

“This is an exciting time for the MAPS district.’ said Stoneman, “We have worked hard over the last several years to establish guiding principles and define priorities for addressing the emerging needs of our students, all with the goal of building a solid educational foundation for the Manistee Community. Along with the significant effort being made to establish an economic direction for Manistee, we feel that the MAPSvisioning process ensures that our educational direction will align with the needs of our community.